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Tag: K2

#K2Calling – La route vers le K2

Blog écrit par Charles Audier

Arrivés à Islamabad le 6 juin dernier, on se confronte aux premières réalités de l’expédition, les douanes ont bloqués les antennes speedcast nécessaires à la communication lors de l’expédition. Pas de temps à perdre, on file à l’enregistrement pour notre vol vers Skardu. Nous scotchons les bagages les uns aux autres pour passer les contrôles et Mike joue de son charme avec l’hôtesse de bord pour faire passer nos 50 kilos en trop dans la soute de l’avion. Première mission réussie. On s’installe dans l’avion et découvrons le paysage fascinant des montagnes du Karakoram à travers le hublot. L’avion se pose et le cirque des bagages recommencent. On entasse le matériel sur des 4×4 et filons vers l’hôtel Concordia de Skardu. Ce sera notre camp de base pour les 48 prochaines heures. Après, nous dirons adieu à la civilisation. Mike et Fred nous préparent à l’aventure, on regarde le parcours avec excitation et appréhension. Dès le premier souper, le binôme d’explorateurs nous fait rêver et peur avec des histoires rocambolesques. Au matin une horde de Toyota Land Cruiser d’un autre temps – aux peintures folkloriques et aux pilotes expérimentés aussi hauts en couleurs – nous retrouve à l’hôtel.

On file à la hâte a travers des paysages montagneux sublimes. Fin du macadam, on avale les kilomètres au rythme des postes militaires égrainés sur le parcours de 240 km à effectuer en 8 heures. Nous nous enfonçons dans un paysage de plus en plus lunaire. On ne sait pas trop si nous traversons Mars ou parcourons la lune en plein soleil. Les ravins abrupts et les sentiers étriqués ne nous laisse pas le temps de rêvasser. Cramponnés aux sièges on se surprend de vertiges en passant la tête par la fenêtre comme coincés entre les surplombs infinis en contre bas et l’imposante domination des montagnes alentours. Le soleil tombe derrière les cimes, nous arrivons à Askole. Dès lors tout se fera à pied. On passe notre première nuit sous la tente et au petit matin le village s’est attroupé autour de nous pour participer à l’aventure. Les Serdar – guide de locaux de l’expédition – recrute à tour de bras. Le soleil grimpe et nous filons vers Juhla, première halte après 8 heures de marche dans le canyon. Le soleil tape et cette mise en jambe annonce la couleur du périple : 20km pour cette première journée et les premiers coups de soleil pour l’équipe.

A demain pour la rencontre avec le glacier de Baltoro !

Stay In Touch Anywhere Anytime

I’m not usually the type of person that likes to rely on devices for survival. The reason for that is simple, I’m a fighter, a man of nature, and I know that I only have myself to count on when confronted to a dangerous situation. Having been in the field of solo exploration for over 20 years, I have come to learn to sail across oceans, climb to the summit of mountains, and survive in the most extreme conditions without ever relying on a device to bring me back home to my family.

I first heard of the inReach when preparing for an expedition that would bring me by car from my home in Switzerland, across 13 countries, into Pakistan where I would then attempt to summit the mountain of my dreams: K2. The idea of remaining constantly connected via satellite for the rest of the world to follow my every footstep made me quite skeptical. I might be a modern day explorer, but when climbing a mountain, I tend to favour old school techniques (no oxygen, no ropes, no high altitude porters). The inReach however wouldn’t assist me to the top of a summit the way a rope or oxygen would, it would simply remain in arms reach if ever my climbing partners and I were to encounter a dangerous situation.

By automatically sending out my position every 10 minutes, the inReach faithfully and accurately tracked my progress. Directly connected to my Facebook page, my family, friends and followers would know when I was moving forward, backwards or remaining in the same position. At the end of every day, I would then use my inReach to send out my daily update. (For example: “Close to camp 3 at 6800m.”) Every message was accompanied by a link that showed my live GPS position as well as my previous ones on a satellite map. If an emergency ever did occur, all I had to do is press on the inReach’s SOS button and a long lasting and interactive signal would be sent out directly to a rescue team to come save me.

Although we never made it to the summit of K2, the inReach allowed me to share my story in real time in ways that I have never done in my history of solo exploration. The inReach is a life insurance. It is the tool that increases my chances of making it back home to my family if ever I do encounter danger along my journeys. It is a revolutionised way for an adventurer, mountaineer, or sailor to stay in touch with loved ones anywhere and at anytime, a real must-have for any outdoor enthusiast to ensure that one’s fears never overtake one’s dreams.

Mike Horn


Final Report from K2 – On Turning Back from “the Mountain of Mountains.”

We are back down from our summit attempt.

Last night I was sitting in front of my tent looking up at the mountain that stamped its effect on my life.

Base camp is not exactly where we want to be, but I am satisfied that we gave it our best shot. Even more important, we tried with everything we had.

I often speak of failure as a big part of my life. Nothing I do is a sure thing, otherwise I would not be doing it; not knowing if, or if not, is the most exciting aspect of my life, In fact I have built my life on the chance of failure, because then, each time you do something, you have to do your best!

Maybe one day I must halt trying, then and only then will I cease failing but I will also terminate the chance of success.

How can man fall asleep if so many unsure dreams elude him?

— Mike

Mike Horn – The Adventure Legend

He’s faced-off polar bears, crocs and K2 and puts his survival down to listening to his inner voice.

There are not many adventurers who are living legends, but Mike Horn is one of them. He’s circumnavigated the globe along the equator, swum the Amazon, trekked to the North Pole in winter and recently taken to climbing 8,000m mountains for relaxation. Just before setting off on his latest expedition to Makalu, he explains why the slow slog of high altitude mountaineering agrees with him and what to do when a polar bear sits on you.

Read full article

Modern Day Adventurer
Mike Horn – Adventure Legend