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Digital conference “Pangaea : Explore – Learn – Act” (FR)

In 2008, Mike Horn pioneered a participatory approach by taking more than 200 young people to the other side of the world to learn about the environment.

The Pangaea expedition and the Young Explorers Programme (YEP) were born of one of Mike’s dearest dreams: to share a taste for adventure and the beauty of the world with the younger generation. The aim? To raise awareness and train young ambassadors to help protect the future of the planet.

Although this ambitious 4-year project is one of Mike’s greatest efforts to contribute to the well-being of the planet, he very rarely talks about it in public. Mike Horn’s Pangaea conference is therefore the perfect opportunity to find out more about this pioneering project, which at the time was considered to be the biggest environmental education programme in the world!

In this talk, presented in the form of a discussion with his daughter, Mike takes a trip back in time, recounting the 12 expeditions that formed part of the Young Explorer Club programme.

CHF25.00 TTC


This ticket gives access to the replay of the ‘Pangaea: Explore-Learn-Act’ conference given online during the confinement.

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  1. Purchase the conference
  2. Access the conference on your account