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Day 15 Trek to the South Pole

This morning Mike calls from Lat 82°11 S Lon 80°41 W

It's hard work says Mike. "I'm feeling pretty tired and have to force myself get out of the tent each morning. It would be so easy to sleep all day but I cannot! I must get a move on as I have an important meeting on the Pole."

"I am looking forward to being met by my North Pole companion, Borge Ousland, and two young adults that attended the training camp in Switzerland. Clémence and Nicolas must be in training this very moment. They'll meet me just after the New Year at which time it would be great if I could be at the pole. If my timing works out we'll all arrive at the South Pole together. What an appropriate place for Borge and myself to meet up! Until then, there is still quite a bit of route to do so it doesn't help if I sit in my tent. Gotta go!"

Mike continues his ascent, in calm, overcast conditions.

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